more treaty lines

1790 → treaty 2, district of Hesse (step into wolf)

province of quebec

“We do herby certify that the following goods were delivered to the

several Nations”


               to one side                 jousting                a stripe of colour


35 pieces of Strouds

(coarse from england)


1 dozen black silk handkerchiefs

(the first head bands in the hood

did the chiefs take them in hand)


20 dz. plain hats

(plains indian hats)


40 nests of tin kettles

(they sign the treaty

they want to raise tin



60 guns

20 rifles

400 lbs. powder

1,600 lbs. ball and shot

2,000 flints

(rabbit hell)


30 dz. looking glasses

(piece of hard hard water everyone must see)


Aboriginal refraction

Life reflection

Indigenous carol

Cast through the holes

Expressionistic glass

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